We focus on early detection and prevention.
How is AnimaSelf different from other wellness apps?
AnimaSelf is a mental health app designed to serve as your digital playground to think, feel, and grow. It is immersive, gamified, and completely personalised to how you’re feeling each day.
AnimaSelf focuses on early detection and prevention.
Most wellness apps on the market are reactive in that they are designed for people already experiencing difficulties with mental health and wellness. We take a proactive approach to help you with your day-to-day ups and downs because early detection and prevention are critical.
We take a blended approach known as integrative therapy.
If you travel below the surface to the core of what makes us AnimaSelf, you will discover that our scientific foundation is fundamentally different. Research indicates that therapy needs to be far more multifaceted and integrated than it exists at the current level of clinical practice. Most, if not all, evidence-based mental health apps use a single form of therapy. At AnimaSelf, we leverage multiple forms of therapy, known as integrative therapy.
Pay what you can.
We believe that mental health and wellness support should be accessible to all. This is why we operate on a pay-what-you-can model, where you choose the membership that you are most comfortable paying. You will always get access to all of AnimaSelf’s offerings regardless of membership type.

What research informed the development of the app?
Preventative approach
Prevention refers to reducing mental health dysfunction and actively promoting mental wellness competencies. The WHO defines health as "a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity".
75% of mental disorders appear before the age of 24yrs, with a third of adolescents showing symptoms of anxiety and depression, respectively. Research also demonstrates that it is easier to engage mental health patients in treatment if insight into their condition is intact, with insight typically declining with severity.
The combination of these factors suggests that focus should be placed on combating these disorders at an early stage. Furthermore, considering the limited treatment options available for major mental illnesses, early detection and treatment in psychiatry are critical.
Early research shows psychotherapy's benefits in preventing depression and anxiety disorders at the point of symptoms first appearing, over and above basic psychoeducational strategies.
Integrated psychotherapy approach
Most, if not all, evidence-based mental health apps employ a single form of therapy, typically Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT).
Here at AnimaSelf, we take a blended approach to therapy known as Integrative Psychotherapy. This practice of integrative psychotherapy is based on research indicating that therapy needs to be far more multifaceted and integrated than exists at the current level of clinical practice, with aspects of different approaches considered on both a practical and theoretical basis.
Specifically, the AnimaSelf app incorporates aspects of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Psychodynamic Psychotherapy (PP) and Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR). These are all evidence-based and widely accepted forms of mental healthcare employed globally.
Furthermore, research has shown that CBT outcomes are improved by incorporating aspects of PP and vice versa. Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) represents a combination of CBT and MBSR and is again shown to be an effective form of therapy.

About the app
Daily, customised care packages integrating multiple forms of therapy
Check in to the app each day by answering a few short questions about how you’re feeling. You’ll then be presented with a customised programme of three bite-sized activities, each focusing on a specific form of therapy: cognitive behavioural therapy, psychodynamic therapy, and mindfulness. Once you’ve completed all three activities, wrap up with an optional check out survey.
Discover mental health at your own pace
Beyond your customised care packages, visit the Discovery tab to explore our entire collection of support content in your own time. You’ll always have access to all our content, regardless of membership type.
Understand your mental health
Track how you’re doing with personal insights and a comprehensive record of your mental health journey.
Journal your thoughts
Document anything you’d like - thoughts, feelings, concerns, wins - in your in-app Journal. It’s your safe space to leave notes and reflect on your journey so far.
Celebrate your successes
Earn points with every step you take on your mental health journey. Celebrate your progress and reflect on how far you’ve come by leveling up and achieving awards.
Medical help in one minute
When you need some extra support, answer a one-minute medical questionnaire to receive signposting for the next steps on where to get help.